How To Choose The Best Car Accident Lawyers 2023 in USA - thefindlaw

How To Choose The Best Car Accident Lawyers  2023 in USA - thefindlaw

Table of Content:

  • Finding the Best Car Accident Attorney
  • What Type of Car Accident Were You In?
  • Common Car Accident Injuries
  • Some  Steps to Take After a Car Accident
  • What Are Contingency Fees?
  • Time Limit to File a Car Accident Claim
  • What Are Settlement Negotiations?
  • Contact a National Car Accident Lawyer Today

The Best Car Accident Lawyers  2023 in USA
The Best Car Accident Lawyers  2023 in USA


What Type of Car Accident Were You In?

Rear-end collision:

A rear-end collision occurs when one vehicle hits the back of another vehicle. These types of accidents are often caused by following too closely, failing to pay attention to the road, or being distracted while driving. They can also be caused by adverse weather conditions, such as heavy rain or snow, which can make it more difficult to see and react to other vehicles on the road.

If you are involved in a rear-end collision, it is important to remain calm and take the following steps:

Check for injuries: Make sure you and any passengers are not injured, and call for medical help if necessary.

Move the vehicles to a safe location: If the vehicles are blocking traffic or pose a danger to other drivers, move them to a safe location if it is possible to do so.

Call the police: Even if the accident seems minor, it is a good idea to call the police so that a report can be filed. This can be helpful in the event that there are any disputes about who was at fault for the accident.

Take pictures: If you have a camera or smartphone with a camera, take pictures of the damage to the vehicles and the accident scene.

Single car accidents:

A single car accident is an accident involving only one vehicle. Common cases including:

Driver error: Single car accidents can be caused by the driver's mistakes, such as distracted driving, speeding, or driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Vehicle malfunction: A single car accident can also be caused by a problem with the vehicle itself, such as a tire blowout or mechanical failure.

Environmental factors: Single car accidents can be caused by adverse weather conditions, such as heavy rain or snow, or by road conditions, such as potholes or debris on the road.

If you are involved in a single car accident, it is important to remain calm and take the following steps:

Check for injuries: Make sure you are not injured and call for medical help if necessary.

Move the vehicle to a safe location: If the vehicle is blocking traffic or poses a danger to other drivers, move it to a safe location if possible.

Call the police: Even if the accident seems minor, it is a good idea to call the police so that a report can be filed. This can be helpful in the event that there are any disputes about what caused the accident.

Take pictures: If you have a camera or smartphone with a camera, take pictures of the damage to the vehicle and the accident scene.

Side-impact collisions:

A side-impact collision, also known as a "T-bone" accident, occurs when one vehicle collides with the side of another vehicle. These types of accidents can be particularly dangerous because the impact often occurs at or near the driver's seat, which can cause serious injuries to the driver and passengers.

Sideswipe collisions

A sideswipe collision occurs when the sides of two vehicles collide while they are traveling in the same direction. These types of accidents are often caused by one driver changing lanes or merging into another lane without signaling or checking their blind spot. They can also be caused by one driver drifting into another lane due to distracted driving or drowsy driving.

Common Car Accident Injuries

Car accidents can cause a wide range of injuries, some of which can be serious or even life-threatening. Some common car accident injuries include:

Head injuries:

 Head injuries can range from minor concussions to more serious traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). These injuries can be caused by the head striking an object or by the brain being violently shaken inside the skull.


This is a common injury that occurs when the head is suddenly and violently thrown forward and then backward, such as in a rear-end collision. It can cause neck pain, stiffness, and headaches.


 A fracture is a break in a bone, and car accidents can cause fractures in any part of the body. Common fracture sites include the arms, legs, and ribs.

Soft tissue injuries:

These injuries occur to the muscles, ligaments, and tendons and can be caused by the impact of the accident or by being thrown around inside the vehicle. They can include strains, sprains, and bruises.

Some Steps to Take After a Car Accident

Some Steps to Take After a Car Accident

Some Steps to Take After a Car Accident

If you are involved in a car accident, it's important to stay calm and take the following steps to ensure your safety and protect your legal rights:

Check for injuries:

Make sure you and any passengers are okay. If anyone is injured, call 911 for medical assistance.

Move your vehicle to a safe location:

 If your car is still drivable and it's safe to do so, move it to the side of the road to avoid blocking traffic. If it's not safe to move your car, turn on your hazard lights and stay inside until help arrives.

Take photos:

Use your phone or camera to take photos of the accident scene, including the damage to the vehicles and any visible injuries.

Don't admit fault:

Do not admit fault or apologize for the accident to the other driver(s) or to the police. This can be used against you in court or by the insurance company.

Get a police report:

 Ask the police officer how to obtain a copy of the accident report. This may be compulsory for insurance purposes.

Contact your insurance company:

 Follow their instructions for filing a claim and obtaining any necessary repairs.

Seek medical attention:

Keep track of all medical bills and treatment received as a result of the accident.

Consult an attorney:

 If you are unsure of your legal rights or if you believe the other driver was at fault, consider consulting with an attorney. They can advise you on your legal options and help you navigate the claims process.

What Are Contingency Fees?

Contingency fees are a type of payment arrangement commonly used in personal injury cases, including car accident cases. Under a contingency fee arrangement, the attorney representing the plaintiff (the person bringing the lawsuit) does not charge an hourly fee for their services. Instead, the attorney is paid a percentage of the damages recovered in the case.

If the case is successful and the plaintiff recovers damages, the attorney's fee is taken as a percentage of the damages awarded. If the case is not successful and the plaintiff does not recover any damages, the attorney does not receive a fee.

The percentage of the damages that the attorney is entitled to receive is typically agreed upon in advance and is outlined in a written contingency fee agreement. Contingency fees can range from 20-40% of the damages recovered, depending on the complexity of the case and other factors.

Contingency fee arrangements can be beneficial for plaintiffs because they allow them to pursue a lawsuit without having to pay upfront legal fees. However, it's important to carefully review the contingency fee agreement before signing it and to fully understand the terms of the arrangement.

Time Limit to File a Car Accident Claim

The time limit to file a car accident claim, also known as the statute of limitations, varies by state. In most states, the statute of limitations for filing a personal injury lawsuit stemming from a car accident is two to three years from the date of the accident. However, some states have shorter or longer time limits, so it's important to check the laws in your state to determine the applicable deadline.

It's also important to note that the statute of limitations for filing an insurance claim may be different from the time limit for filing a lawsuit. Insurance claims are typically subject to shorter time limits, often just a few months after the accident. It's important to check with your insurance company to determine the deadline for filing a claim.

If you fail to file a lawsuit or insurance claim within the applicable time limits, you may be barred from recovering damages for your injuries or damages to your vehicle. It's important to act promptly to protect your legal rights.

What Are Settlement Negotiations?

Settlement negotiations are the process of discussing and attempting to reach an agreement on the amount of damages that will be paid to resolve a dispute, such as a car accident claim. Settlement negotiations may occur at any stage of the legal process, including before a lawsuit is filed, during the discovery phase of a lawsuit, or even after a case has gone to trial.

In car accident cases, settlement negotiations may involve the parties to the dispute (usually the plaintiffs and defendants) and their attorneys, as well as insurance adjusters or other representatives. The parties may negotiate directly with each other or through mediators or arbitrators.

During settlement negotiations, the parties may present evidence and arguments to support their positions and may make offers and counteroffers to try to reach a mutually acceptable agreement. Settlement negotiations are typically confidential and are not a matter of public record.

If the parties are unable to reach a settlement agreement, the case may proceed to trial. However, most civil cases, including car accident cases, are resolved through settlement negotiations rather than going to trial.

Contact a National Car Accident Lawyer Today

If you have been involved in a car accident and are considering seeking legal representation, it's important to do your research and choose an attorney who has the experience and expertise to handle your case. Here are a few tips for finding a national car accident lawyer:

Look for an attorney who specializes in car accident cases: Many attorneys handle a variety of types of cases, but it's best to find an attorney who has specific experience with car accident cases. They will be familiar with the laws and regulations that apply to car accidents and will be better equipped to handle the complexities of your case.

Check for credentials and qualifications: Look for an attorney who is licensed to practice in your state and has a good reputation. Consider their education, training, and professional experience.

Look for an attorney who has a track record of success: Choose an attorney who has a proven track record of successfully handling car accident cases and obtaining favorable outcomes for their clients.

Consider the attorney's fees: Most car accident attorneys work on a contingency fee basis, meaning they are paid a percentage of any damages recovered. Be sure to understand the attorney's fee structure and any other costs that may be associated with your case.

If you want to schedule a free consultation to learn more about our team, please call 866-971-1215 or contact us online today.

It's a good idea to schedule a consultation with several attorneys to get a sense of their experience and approach to handling car accident cases. This will give you an opportunity to ask questions and get a better understanding of your options.

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